Monday 14 June 2010

Why Getting a Chinese Visa is Like Seinfeld Ordering Soup...

I've been emailing with the Chinese Consulate for the past week and every interaction essentially turns out to be something akin to the Seinfeld episode about the 'Soup Guy', only these guys email the equivalent of 'NO VISA for you!'. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, watch this clip: NO SOUP for you!

Despite RacingthePlanet's best efforts we've still had zero positive news except for a few competitors who left London and went to various Chinese Embassies only to come running out shouting essentially 'jambalaya, jambalya..!' (if you haven't watched the clip that won't make any sense). Sandy Gordon took his passport up to Edinburgh and got approved, and Diego Carvajal went all the way to New York and got approved. On Thursday, I resorted to sending my passport overnight to fellow competitor Lucy Rivers-Bulkeley who just today flew to Edinburgh to drop off our expedited applications. Tomorrow at high-noon is our judgement day.

"Two visas to China please"...shuffle left, shuffle"thank you"...shuffle out....

Fingers crossed!

In the meantime and as always, good running.


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